Pamela Usher

I, Pamela Usher cannot express my gratitude for being a part of this group! There is a sisterhood with my veteran sisters that’s like no other in this world! The camaraderie an bond we share is so special an unique! The group have been extra supportive to me during my time of loss! The information that’s shared is so crucial in navigating VA benefits! Thanks Dr. Detrel Howell for your thoughtfulness compassion an always supportive to all my sisters in this group!

Felipa Epps

United in Sisterhood has been pivotal in helping me better understandthat I am not alone.  As a female veteran, the difficulty of dealingwith life on

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Andrea Childers

United in Sisterhood is exactly as it implies. Detrel is the creator of the page and she is amazing at pulling sisters together and providing

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