Felipa Epps

United in Sisterhood has been pivotal in helping me better understand
that I am not alone.  As a female veteran, the difficulty of dealing
with life on life’s terms has been a challenge.  Needless to say, as a
member, I received the ability to access resources I didn’t know
about, the comradery of other veteran women who can identify with my
hurt and pain thereby getting the encouragement needed, the love,
understanding and support desired with a connection that allows me to
have impactful relationships with others.

Pamela Usher

I, Pamela Usher cannot express my gratitude for being a part of this group! There is a sisterhood with my veteran sisters that’s like no

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Andrea Childers

United in Sisterhood is exactly as it implies. Detrel is the creator of the page and she is amazing at pulling sisters together and providing

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