Building Connections in The Sisterhood

Buddy Pairs

Building Strong Bonds Among Sister Veterans

Buddy Pairing offers a unique opportunity to connect with another SisterVeteran for a designated period, fostering a strong bond through mutual support, engagement, and the chance to build meaningful connections within our community.

Fairy Dust Sprinkles

Monthly Delightful Surprises for Sister Veterans

The Fairy Dust Sprinkle is a monthly pairing between two sisters who agree to exchange gifts for that particular month based on, either a theme or each individual’s favorite things.

Birthday Card Sprinkles

For some time, United In Sisterhood sent unexpected gifts to our SisterVeterans who were celebrating a birthday. The premise was to remind someone that others care for them, and they were never forgotten. As the group began to grow, the expenses did as well – so we had to take a break, with the hope to resume in the near future. In the meantime, we are *Sprinkling Birthday Cards* on any SisterVeteran who shares her address.

On Broadway

TDF gifted us with a wonderful opportunity to see the Broadway plays: Shucked & MJ The Musical. Both plays were outstanding, but the togetherness amongst the veterans from our group and others was just wonderful! TDF also offered us a year of membership for free, so if anyone is interested in checking out a Broadway play at a discount – let’s go! 😊

Coming Soon
Meet Ups:

For some time, United In Sisterhood sent unexpected gifts to our SisterVeterans who were celebrating a birthday. The premise was to remind someone that others care for them, and they were never forgotten. As the group began to grow, the expenses did as well – so we had to take a break, with the hope to resume in the near future. In the meantime, we are *Sprinkling Birthday Cards* on any SisterVeteran who shares her address.

Become a part of The Sisterhood

We survive by lifting each other up.